- Use taxonomy “Brands”
- Create a brand and assign a logo, a name and a description to it
- Manage brands hierarchically
- Assign one or more brands to each product
- Show brands in product detail page
- Display archive page for each brand
- Associate a banner and a link to each brand
- Choose brand taxonomy among plugin default taxonomy (Brands) and other product taxonomies available
- Edit brand position in product detail page and in shop page
- Choose content to show in shop page
- Default logo for brands with no images associated
- 5 widgets
- 9 shortcodes
- Set the brand logo size in Shop page and Product detail page
- Compatibility with Yoast SEO: brand name can be dynamically inserted in the product “title”
- Add the brand name to the product URL in a dynamic way
- Add and/or exclude brands from usage restrictions for WooCommerce coupons
- Compatibility with WooCommerce Importer/Exporter
- Import product-brand connections to be associated to related products